Monday, May 9, 2011


Well, that was one of thee hardest weeks of my entire life!! God has helped me out so much! I keep trying to just focus on the future and look forward to things! I know that my life will be AMAZING because I am living it God-first (: Also, God brought someone that was special to me once, back into my life and I believe it was such amazing sign! It was like He was saying, here's your chance to shine! Be like me! I had very strong feelings for this person at one time, but his selfish acts ended up leaving me heartbroken. Actually, I kind of forgot he existed! It's kind of crazzyy! Anyway, I have shared my new beginning with him and he is very supportive but also struggling with something right now. I plan to keep him in my prayers for success and happiness and I hope that he also discovers the power of God. I also now had the chance to tell him that I forgive him for what he had done to me. It was an amazing feeling of relief.  I connected very well with this person and our personalities are very similar ...I'm just very glad to have him back in my life as a friend. I know, that is just God's way of speaking to me and proving to me that I am here for a reason. I want to live through him and love people as he does, unconditionally. I'm not even really having a hard time with my whole situation actually became rather easy in these past few days. Now I have God and fate to help me through and I am not worried at all! I just love focusing on Him and loving Him and realizing I was put here for a purpose ...for Him. I feel like I've unlocked the secrets to the universe! ha and although sometimes it's still a little rough with society these days, I am stronger than ever and I know I can also be a positive influence on my friend's to help them to just be better people, all around. It's crazy how many cuss words come out of one little sentence around here. I kind of cringe when I hear them. It's really weird, especially because they used to flow out of my mouth like nothing! Well, I feel like a big weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I was worrying way to much about the "what if's" of the world and now I'm back to 'go with the flow' mode. But this time, it's go with the flow of God's way and it is the BEST decision I could have made! I am also so appreciative of the people in my life that understand my story when I tell it to them. Sometimes it gets frustrating when I try to tell someone my story, but they just cannot relate to it AT ALL. I keep them in my prayers though and hopefully they will commit themselves to God as well one day. I am so blessed though. I cannot wait to wake up every morning to serve Him. I love my life. I love my family and friends. & I love Him! <3 I hope everyone has a beautiful blessed day!!!!

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